Než začnete investovat, klikněte níže a zjistěte více o podkladových aktivech.
Dear Valued Clients,
Crowd Tech Ltd, the owner and operator of the trade name Trade360 and of the domain, has taken the decision to voluntarily renounce its license to operate as an investment firm. To this end, the Company will no longer provide/carry out investment services and activities and/or enter into any business transaction with any person nor does it accept new clients.
As per the above and in accordance with our Terms & Conditions, the Company would like to inform its existing clients that all open trades should be closed by 30/01/2023 (the “Closing Date”). Trades that will not be closed by you by this time, will be automatically closed by us at the Closing of Business of Closing Date.
The Company’s clients should withdraw their available funds in accordance with the Company’s policies and procedures. Any remaining clients’ funds that have not been withdrawn by the Closing Date shall be refunded by the Company to the last known bank account and/or debit card of the Client.
For more information you may contact the Company customer support team at or on the phone at +357 2526 2200
Než začnete investovat, klikněte níže a zjistěte více o podkladových aktivech.
VAROVÁNÍ PŘED RIZIKEM: CFD jsou komplexní nástroje s vysokým rizikem ztráty kapitálu z důvodu finanční páky. 70.6 % maloobchodních investorů při obchodování CFD na platformě Trade360 přichází o peníze. Měli byste zvážit, zda rozumíte tomu, jak CFD fungují, a zda si můžete dovolit podstoupit vysoké riziko ztráty kapitálu. Více informací o zvládání rizik naleznete zde.